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Liking it hot

Generally speaking, I’m mostly open to trying new things. I love trying all kinds of food and drinks, I’m usually willing to try different activities or go to new places, I love connecting with new and interesting people. Usually, the times where I resist trying something new are the times when I’d be put on the spot (usually in front of a group of people) or when the element of claustrophobia could be present (like cave exploring or scuba diving). So when people asked me about hot yoga, I’m not sure why I resisted. Part of it may have been the heat…I didn’t start to truly appreciate heat until I moved to Texas (and was reminded of what summers used to feel like); part of it may have been the fear of not being able to keep up in class, and standing out as a result. I’m honestly not sure what held me back…I am so glad I didn’t allow whatever had shown up in the past to reappear recently. A few weeks ago, a yoga-teaching friend asked if I might consider subbing her hot yoga class sometime. I explained I wasn’t opposed to it, but I’d never done it before so I wanted to try it first. GroupOn (gotta love GroupOn) had a good deal, and I knew it would be something I’d probably want to try more than once to really experience the effects. We started in savasana, the yogic resting pose, in a hot, dimly lit room. It felt great. It reminded me of laying on a beach, feeling the heat without the burning sunlight. My breath settled, my body relaxed and I haven’t looked back since. We mindfully moved through postures, checking in with our body and breath throughout the experience. I felt strength, calmness, steadiness (mostly) and ease. I laughed in my heart and head as I attempted certain balance poses (like dancer), because I felt so sweaty it was hard to grip my foot…a gentle reminder of acceptance. I’ve returned to class several times since my first one, and I’m already noticing positive changes in my being. My flexibility is quickly improving, I’m feeling more energized and toned, I feel like my body is cleansing itself in a different way…most surprisingly, I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my seasonal allergies! One of the things I like best about the hot yoga experience is the heat gently forces you to check in with your body and breath throughout your practice. I notice I’m able to be present to the moment-to-moment experiences happening in my body and mind, without a forceful practice. It wasn’t until I started teaching yoga that I finally became able to speak in front of a crowd without feeling like I wasn’t going to be sick or pass out. It wasn’t until I started practicing hot yoga that I discovered I could engage my body, breath and mind in a synchronized way that feels like I’m working smarter, not harder. I’m so excited to be offered the opportunity to teach Hot Yoga Fusion classes beginning Monday, August 8th, in Katy. These classes will combine hatha, flow and therapeutic elements. Are you ready to try something new? Contact me for more information.

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Free Spirit Therapeutics

Kelly Pearson, MS, c-IAYT           

Wellness Coaching ~ Yoga Therapy ~ Yoga

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